Personal financial statement is a form or document which reveals the detailing of a person’s or a business’s financial state in a particular period of time. All the details of the financial stability and status of the cash or finance are written in the financial statement. Personal financial statement also deals with the detailed financial status and the status of the business where it is in the stated period of time. You may completely assess a person’s financial position by just having a smart look at the financial statement. All the details including the assets and liabilities of the company as well as identification number and contact details of a person include in the personal financial statement template.
Editable personal financial statement template
Personal financial statement template helps you in a quiet well manner when you are willing to get information about your own financial position or of any other person. You may enlist all the financial statements of different intervals of time and see the differences and ups and downs occur in the financial position of the business or in personal financial position too.
The purpose of making and maintaining the personal financial statement template is to gain and deliver the good financial education about the business and the financial position of the business by having an eye on the personal financial statement. The other advantage or purpose of creating it is to evaluate or summarize the details of the budget and source of income and inflow and outflow of the finance of a company. The details of business loans and personal loans are also listed in the financial statement template so that the whole ways of getting the cash may assess and elaborated when looking for the financial status or position of the business or a person.
Download personal financial statement templates here
Sample Personal Financial Statement